Let's get back to the basics. At the very foundation of proactive parenting should be an active devotional life. For me this meant getting up early to have a quiet time when I read my Bible and prayed, committing the day to the Lord. I usually (and still do, by the way!) grabbed a cup of tea and sat in my favorite spot with my Bible, my journal, a pen, and my calendar/plan book. Before I read my Bible I looked at my calendar to see what was going on that day. Then I turned to the To-Do page to list my chores I needed to tackle. This helped get stuff off my mind before I came to the Lord. My journal helped to keep me focused as I recorded what I was reading in the Scripture and what I felt it was saying to me about God's character and what my response should be.
This special half hour each morning was transformative for me. It got me ahead of the kids. I was ready to face the day!
And now for a refashion...
A purse out of an old pair of jeans! I simply cut off the legs, added fabric to create a bottom, used my embroidery setting to decorate the edge, and then added buttons! Buttons are "a few of my favorite things!"
And another purse... this time I used just one leg of a jean and created a flap. I sewed on a pocket from the jeans. The handle is made of braided strips of denim and fabric. And of course I had to add lots of amazing buttons!
You are super inspiring!